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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  August 19, 2010 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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fair, balanced, and unafraid. >> shepard: a plane was supposed to take off at 7:30 this morning in san francisco. then a phone call and a threat. now it's still sitting there. developing news ahead. i'm shepard smith. this is the fox report. >> we destroyed 1,000 eggs on the first day. we are going to take a loss. >> millions of tainted eggs could still be out there, putting news danger. >> anywhere from 12 to 27 hours. you are going to not feel so good. >> i woke up in the middle of the night really sick to my stomach. >> shepard: tonight, salmonella spreads in america. the storms have ripped apart roads. >> this was more damage than what i thought it would have done. >> shepard: and washed away buildings. >> it's going to be a little difficult getting out of here. >> shepard: now it could get even worse. tonight, misery from the soaker in the southeast.
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plus, you are doing it wrong, bull. [screams] >> shepard: show you more of what happened when this bull made a jump for it. but, first from fox this thursday night, a growing outbreak of salmonella has already sickened hundreds of americans and still many more are very much in danger as fox reports tonight. tainted eggs are said to be responsible. eggs that one company has shipped all over this country. the wright county egg producer has so far recalled 380 million of them. already investigators say they have linked the egg to illness in four states. california, colorado, minnesota, north carolina, and frankly one of my producers thinks he is a victim. the producer reports that it distributed the eggs to companies in all of these states. and health officials in some of these areas say they have seen recent spikes in salmonella. distributed under a variety of brand names all listed here. keep in mind it's not like we
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can stay safe by avoiding these brands not eating eggs for breakfast. cakes and cookies and caesar salad dressing and mayo and pancakes and on and on. even some wines and root beers contain eggs. so here is what can you watch for if you think you may have eaten tainted eggs. >> if you get sick, look for nausea, look for headache, vomiting, high fever, and diarrhea. diarrhea is the worst problem. get dehydrated especial solid in the summer. get rehydrated past fast. if the problem persists, go see your physician. they may give you antibiotics. >> you can get sick up to 10 days after you eat one of these tainted eggs. he also notes if you do get salmonella, it's almost always treatable. jonathan serrie in atlanta home for the centers of disease control and prevention. scientists there say this outbreak is likely going to get much worse. >> that's because many of the salmonella cases occurring after
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mid july may have not been reported yet. while the iowa based producer wright county egg shipped its products in question to wholesalers and distributors in 17 states. health officials suspect it may extend even beyond that listen. >> this big producer of eggs sends the eggs to certain states that they have identified but then there are further distribution from those states that could go even further. so we think that this outbreak could effect almost any state in the country. >> wright county egg packaged and sold its product under several brand names. but one distributor dutch farms says the producer did this without its knowledge. and now the company is planning legal action. federal health officials say they are investigating. shep? >> shepard: jonathan serrie in our newsroom in atlanta. jonathan, thanks. if you would like more information on this outbreak it's worth checking out click on the fox spotlight in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
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threw will find all the details about the specific products that this recall effects along with more in-depth explanations salmonella and all its symptoms. bomb threat ground add plane for hours and hours and hours in san francisco today. a federal law enforcement official says somebody called local police before this take off, saying a bomb was on board american airlines flight 24. early reports also indicated some sort of hijacking. but the feds now say those reports were just flat wrong. and an official tells fox news there was no credible threat at all. but, still, there the plane sits. live pictures at san francisco. sfo. the plane was supposed to be flying to new york. a 7:30 takeoff this morning. fox does confirm police did take two people off the plane in cuffs. fbi spokeswoman reports that pair caught the attention of authorities and right now being interviewed. told all the passengers got off the plane, returned to the terminal to be re-screened and the passengers say that this whole thing rattled a lot of nerves but folks tried to stay
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calm. >> it was a little tense because it was quiet. but everybody was calm. and everybody handled themselves really well. nobody got upset or anything like that. what the gate agent told me this morning delay because the first officer was coming up from l.a. so maybe that was related to it. >> did they ever tell you what kind of threat or anything like that? >> no. >> shepard: there is really no need for that. this is the latest in a string of airline scares in the past year, including the failed christmas day bombing which obviously was a little bit more and the diplomat who set off auto bomb square -- scare when he tried to sneak a smoke in the plane's bathroom. updates as they come in. historic home comings members of the last brigade to leave iraq back at their base in washington state tonight. [cheers] ♪ 350 soldiers from the fourth
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striker brigade arriving at fort base south of seattle this morning. for most of them, it's the end of their second deployment in iraq. but this homecoming obviously extra special and not just for the new dads meeting their babies for the first time. >> been waiting very long time to get back to these guys. >> it was very exciting for him to see him. he didn't believe that was true. that that was his dad. >> it doesn't get any better than that nothing matches better than having your love come back and be safe and sound. they made it back. and they did a good job. and we finished it out there. and it's great. >> i think we set the iraqis up for success. they are ready for us to go. they're ready to take over. >> shepard: even though the last combat brigade has left iraq the pentagon reports there are still tens of thousands of troops there some of them will be pulling out by the end of the month. or dominick streaming live from kuwait where he crossed the border with a convoy of u.s. troops. hello, dominick. >> yeah. about 2,000 troops, shep, left in country.
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will be gone in the next 10 days. u.s. on target to just have 50,000 u.s. troops left after august 31st. the new mission begins at the end of operation iraqi freedom. effectively the end of america's war in iraq and the beginning of operation new dawn with u.s. troops concentrating on upscaling forces how they can take full control of their security going ahead. as we came over in the early hours of this morning from across the q-80 border from iraq there were moments of elation and many troops are so happy to be out of iraq. this is how one soldier described to us he is feeling at that moment. >> relief, yeah. 12 months straight being in that vehicle, finally getting out and realizing that this could be the last time i wear that kit in the wild is a nice feeling. >> kuwait, one. two, i'm going home.
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>> >> you know, what happens now with u.s. troops and iraqis really the big question. the reason for that is president obama said he wants all troops out by the end of 2011. but we're hearing from iraqi politicians and the iraqi security forces themselves that they are not entirely sure that americans should leave so soon. they would like to see a longer term presence in america. possibly as late as 2020. that all depends on whether president obama is prepared to let the soldiers remaining stay that long. back to you, shep. >> shepard: dominick live in kuwait. dominick, thanks. more drenching rain in a u.s. state still recovering from deadly floods. the downpours washing away homes, trapping drivers in their cars, derailed a train, even. we will get to the extreme weather center and to the scene. plus, the crime lab coverup. we have word tonight of people put to death after analysts withheld key evidence. we'll get a live update next. if you weren't with us for "studio b" this afternoon. you missed the incredible, the
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slow chase it was kind of boring. and then we went off the air and then the chase ended. that was not boring at all. we'll show you. [ male announcer ] millions of men 45 and older
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just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t. c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. investors are demanding more for their money. good. this time, i'm watching fees like a hawk. i hate hidden fees. why should i have to pay for something that i shouldn't have to pay for? td ameritrade's pricing is clear and it's straightforward... it's spelled out upfront. no hidden fees... no bait and switch. no gotchas. and there's one flat rate for online equity trades... for big accounts... or small ones. that's the way it ought to be. time for fresh thinking. time for td ameritrade.
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>> shepard: stunning accusations tonight prosecutors helped evidence in key cases and even withheld evidence in cases that ended with executions. two former fbi officials conducted this investigation into north carolina's crime lab that report found that for 16 years analysts helped prosecutors convict people by misrepresenting evidence, even directly falsifying it in some cases making matters even worse, it seems some of this was actually official policy. >> our criminal justice system does say fundamental fairness to the defendant give them
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information that's could be favorable to their defense. this was a bad practice. and there was confusing and bad policy. >> shepard: now they have to somehow try to figure out how to try to fix this mess. jonathan hunt is with us, the chief fox report correspondent, you can't fix it when one of the victims of this is dead. because the government killed three of them after this. that's true, shep, what we do not know at this stage whether anybody was convicted of this alleged evidence tampering. the attorney general of north carolina was concerned enough to order an independent review. investigators in that review looked at 15,000 cases in total. they found 230 problems involving 269 people who were charged. of those 269, 80 are now serving time. 4 are on death row. three were executed. and five died in prison. it is, of course, those last two categories. the execution and those who died
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in prison that are of the greatest concern here. >> one of these actually involved the murder, well, the investigation of the murder of michael jordan's father. >> that's right. james jordan, michael jordan's father was killed back in 1993. as he slept in his car on a north carolina highway. two men were convicted and sentenced to life in prison for those murders. but apparently the evidence was tainted in that case. defense lawyers were only told about blood evidence found and tested at the crime scene. they were not found -- told about four other instances in which tests were actually inconclusive. so defense lawyers will certainly want to take a second look at that case. >> what are they going to do now? >> well, they basically have to have a look at every single one of these cases. according to one of the former fbi agents who carried out this review. listen. >> this was a snapshot in time. we are not concluding that there were cases -- there is potential
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here. it's going to have to be a case by case review whether it's a actual case of wrongful conviction. >> you can be absolutely certain that every defense attorney that represented anybody over that 16-year period in north carolina is going to be looking very, very closely at this review. >> shepard: they will it feels like one of those will have their cases out. depending on how the cases plays out. >> most likely. >> shepard: jonathan hunt, thank you, sir. swish, bang, swoosh, weather alert. parts of the southeast looking like a swamp. after days of rain stranded drivers, flooded homes even in one case knocked a train right off the tracks, kentucky, north carolina, virginia, they have all been under flash flood warnings or watches. but the worst of it is in tennessee with some towns in central parts of the state reporting nearly a foot of rain. unwelcomed news for a state still trying to recover from deadly floods that hit just back in may. those floods killed 22 people. caused more than $2 billion in damage in the city of nashville,
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alone. our chief meteorologist rick reichmuth with the details live from the extreme weather center. what's the blame for all of. this those bloods in may like 500 year blood flood. tropical connection. moisture coming from what was tropical depression five that storm we were worried about for a good ten days. finally kind of pulled in and slowly moved in across areas of tennessee, shepard. these kind of rainfall totals in about a two day period and that causes all that kind of flooding. fortunately, it didn't happen quicker and sometimes with the tropical connection you can see larger amounts than that. in this case up to foot. >> parts of the south started drying out today, i guess there is more rain on the way. >> yeah. it's summer. so you start to see that tennessee looking pretty good. the storms now farther towards the south and farther off towards the east. get ready. there is storms now brewing across the far northern plains, severe weather tonight. by saturday, this moves back in towards tennessee, not that tropical connection this time. maybe an inch or two of rain. but that will be certainly a problem for some these people that are beginning to dry out.
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>> my brother called from oxford today, rick, and he said it was the coolest high temperature that he can remember. only 91 today. >> imagine. not bad for this summer it's been so brutal. >> shepard: they got coats out, you know. >> yeah. >> shepard: took the kids to go sledding. >> took the scarfs out. >> shepard: thank you, rick. suspected al qaeda leader already sentenced to death surrendering after a raid. how security forces tracked this guy down. and how it could lead to even mover arrests. that's coming up on fox report. plus, how much do you think you could get for a life-sized statue of he elvis. what about one that was once on planet blago? oh, blago. at auction slash yard sally. it's -- yard sail, it's golden.
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>> shepard: time to go to the planet. 20,000 bucks. for a little piece of blago. that's apparently the going rate for a life size statue of elvis on planet blago a storage facility auctioning off seven crates of his belongings today including himself. he was five months behind in the rent. since he was behind in the rent the storage facility's owner decided to hold a yard sale of sorts. all for a good cause. mighty mike tobin on planet blago today. hello, mike. >> because this is a blagojevich-related event. i would say the whole thing was appropriately distasteful and strange. but in the end, it benefits the kids. ♪ one for the money ♪ two for the show. >> the elvis were to be expected. barbecue and one of those jumpy
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things for the kids a bit of a surprise big blagojevich belongings auction. >> organizers didn't need to advertise much. they came from miles around to pick through the belongings of the congressman turned governor. >> i do here 475. >> the politician that became a convict in a national punch line that usually ends in a quip with his hair hence the elvis connection. yes the statue is for sale. >> it has quite a bit of value just the fact that blagojevich owned it. >> rod blagojevich can no longer pay his bills. he got behind paying rent on seven crates in a storage facility the owner lost patients. >> it's been over five years since we received anything. >> the profit is going to charity. ironically benefiting children's memorial hospital will in managers of which blagojevich was accused of shaking down in the case he arguably defeated. so with all the cheese capitalism can muster, the governor's fall from financial
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grace is the bargain hunter collector's gain. >> i came out today specifically so i can pick up collector items so i can sell them back and make some money. [ laughter ] sell them on ebay. [ laughter ] you know, shep, beyond the big elvis they generated about $10,000 for the hospital. most of these crates or most of what was in these crates is office supplies. campaign supplies. old pictures, things of that nature. there wasn't anything in there that was fen f'ing golding. he is going back on tour. he had a couple of radio stations. on sunday chris wallace is going to interview him on "fox news sunday." is he going to do comedy central and jon stewart and the daily show. >> shepard: that is bleeping golden. it's bleeping by the way, mike. he will be a guest on our "fox news sunday" this weekend with anchor chris wallace. it is political, come on. check your local listing and watch the hair guy.
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facebook unveiling a new feature. it's called facebook places it taps into faces technology on mobile check in with address, share it with facebook friends. find other people near you maybe and maybe advertisers. tech writers compare it to four square. critics say this could crush four square and can definitely spark new privacy concerns beware of these women, a new list from the security software maker mac fee named these three the riskiest celebrities to search on the web. cameron diaz top of the list followed by julia roberts and jessica biel. we're told hackers like to use them to lure you on to malicious web sites and then hack into your thing. mac fee warns this can give them access to banking pass words and other personal information. we have a troubling new sign today of the job market and even
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the experts say they didn't see this one coming. we will tell you the bad news that sent stocks in the wrong direction and what it means for anybody out there looking for work. plus, you taunt the bull at your own risk, people. whoa, bull. wait a minute. they didn't do anything to you. they are just sitting there, bull. i say this bull needs a trampoline. details ahead. fer wetjet absorbs and traps so much dirt you'll never go back to your old mop. [ funny voice ] hey, mop! wanna suck up dirt and grime like swiffer wetjet? then try the absorb-a-straw! now you're gettin' it. [ female announcer ] sorry, mop, but swiffer wetjet has a dirt dissolving solution and super absorbent pads that trap and lock dirty water deep inside the gradient core while mops can just spread it around. swiffer cleans better, or your money back. ♪ she blinded me with science
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may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. i had fun today, grandpa. you and me both. if copd is still making it hard to breathe, ask your doctor if including advair will help improve your lung function for better breathing. get your first full prescription free and save on refills. ♪ i can't hold her hand on the bus. ♪ or be there to show everyone how great she is. but what i can do is give her everything she needs to be excited for school, while staying in my budget. that's why i go to walmart. she has everything she needs. and then some. [ female announcer walmart has low prices on not just a few things, but everything on their back-to-school list. guaranteed. save money. live better. walmart. >> shepard: they came to see a
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bullfight. suddenly they were in one. [screams] good grief, bull. according to government officials in the city of pan dplamo the bull injured 40 people. look at that that wasn't smart. gored a guy in the back. sent a 10-year-old to intensive care. it is famous for the annual running of the bulls. this incident during a time of national debate in spain over whether bullfighting should be outlawed all together. this bull did not help the people's cause. it's bull 1. people nothing here. last month in the northeastern part of the country, that town became spain's first major region to ban this deadly sport. i'm shepard smith. this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. new unemployment claims hit a 9
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month high last week. more than half a million americans filing for their first jobless benefits. that's a jump of 12,000. economists were actually predicting that the claims would drop. so this was a stunner. president obama says that report compels us to act. he is calling on congress to pass a jobs bill when it guess back from vacation. he says that bill should include tax cuts, and increase lending to small businesses, which create 2 out of every three jobs in this country. >> i would also like to point out this legislation is fully paid for and will not add one single dime to our deficit. unfortunately, a partisan minority in the senate so far has refused to allow this jobs bill to come up for a vote. >> shepard: senator minority leader mitch mcconnell says it's democrats who are stalling by blocking votes on republican amendments to the bill. adam shapiro from fox business network on the top story at the bottom of the hour. wall street did not like those
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new jobless numbers today at all. >> no. a lot of people are afraid that the economy is not only slowing down but maybe ons precipice of going back into recession. when you look at the numbers. the dow down almost 2%. dow components g.e. were down 3% today. and it had to do with the wrong range forecast of what is going to happen with this economy and those jobs numbers are not good. >> shepard: all right, adam. i'm wondering, there is a new prediction about where the deficit is headed. >> and that prediction is troubling. depending on how you look at it this year, 2010, the deficit is going to total 1.3 trillion. next year, it's going to be 1, roughly 1.1 trillion. that sounds good. but that is assuming that the bush era tax cuts expire. and even if they expire, the deficit will continue to go down a little bit. but then it will start rising again by 2020. the total debt in this country will be approaching about 70% of g.d.p. that is a figure that scares economists, shep, because it becomes very difficult to start paying the interest on it.
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the bottom line, is deficit is growing. the debt in the country is growing and it's not good. >> shepard: adam shapiro in new york tonight. thank you. another new low for mortgage rates. average rate on 15 year fixed home loan is down to 3.9%. lowest rate ever. according to the u.s. mortgage giant freddie mac, the ninth week in a row that fixed rate mortgages have met or set a new record low. economists say investors are worried about the struggling economy. now the yemen where security forces say they have captured a suspected al qaeda member. they tell us he surrendered after he raided a home where he was hiding north of the capital. the suspect faces a death sentence for the bombing of a french oil tanker back in 2002. he is one of two dozen inmates who broke out of prison four years ago. meanwhile, we are hearing from the father of an american terrorist suspect still on the loose in yemen. catherine herridge live in d.c. tonight. catherine? >> well, shepard, we asked the state department today whether the government in yemen is doing
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enough to get anwar al-awlaki who is the first american on the cia's killer capture list. the state's department spokesman offered a measured response. >> important effort and that includes dealing with, you know, rake of people who -- range of people who have identified themselves with iqip and that includes al-awlaki. >> executive producer pamela brown spoke to nasser about the recent lawsuit to the aclu. two suing over the decision to put awlaki on a hit list. >> the fox investigation also uncovered this booking photo of anwar al-awlaki from 1997 when he was picked up for soliciting
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protest stiewts in san diego. al awlaki father insists that his son did not live a double life. >> alal -- al awlaki was picked up three times for soliciting prostitutes and lurking around a school. this was backed up by agents. >> shepard: brand new legal trouble and big for a baseball great more than two years after roger clemens told congress did i not use steroids, never. a federal jury has just indicted the former star. ahead, the details on the charges that are very serious and now we have reaction from roger clemens himself. plus, you watched the beginning of "studio b" the car chase today cops trying to chase this guy going really slow in gray truck. we watched it he got down on surface streets and boring. i mean, i'm confident it was
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entertaining but the chase itself was boring. until we went off the air and it wasn't. it wasn't boring at all. we'll show you the finish to this thing and get to the rest of the news coming up. with capital one's venre card, weget doublemiles on every purchase. echo! so we eaed a trip to the grand canyon twice as fast. uh-oh. we get double mis every time we use r card. i'll te these. no matter what we're buying. plus the damages. and since double miles add up quick, we can bring thehole gang. it's hard to beat double miles. no we ride them! [ me announcer ] introducing the venture card from capital one, with le miles on evy purchase every day. go to what's in your wallet? oh, that's the spot!
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c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. >> shepard: so today on "studio b" there was a car chase in dallas, we never got to finish the thing because the program ended before the chase did. it turns out it was a good one so here we go. cops were trying to catch the man driving this gray chevy pickup. they suspected he stole the thing. led the cops on a chase of side streets in greater dallas about an hour. a lot of the time with his right tire gone and just when it seemed the whole thing would never end, this happened. the guy crashed through a fence at a city owned airport. drove right on to the runway and as ludamite put it get out put my pedal to the floor and let's roll. he turns off the tarmac into the grass. spins the thing. look out. sphefers then surrounded the
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thing and took the driver into custody. we don't know all the charges but he won't be going anywhere for a while. wherever it is, it will probably be no more than two miles an hour. the trail of -- the trail of the most wanted couple in america has gone cold. and now investigators are releasing new pictures and telling us about toothys. look at this john mccluskey here, there he is on the right and left. same guy. you can see he is missing one of his incisors. we are told that was lynn welch, this one here his fiancee and first cousin simultaneously is missing most of her right pointer finger. you will say you will notice it she smokes a lot. when she does it she spoke smokes with the middle finger and ring figure. kind of weird. spockish. something investigators hope somebody will notice if they run across this heavily pair. the feds say she helped mccluskey escape from a privately operated arizona prison nearly four weeks ago by toss ago wire cutter over the
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fence and since then investigators say they have link ed them to a murder of a couple in oklahoma there is a $35,000 reward for information leading to their arrest. trace gallagher has some details. trace, arizona's prison director says the facility had several security flaws. >> big time, shep. the department of correction says this is arizona's worst prison break in 30 years. they take full blame for this prison in kingman, arizona being riddled with security flaws. what's worse? is the state inspecting this facility back in march and they missed most of the major violations. for example, the alarm system of this facility was so bad that in the 16 hours before this guy escaped, there were 89, count them 89 false alarms. after a while the guards just ignored them. here is the prison chief talking about the problems, listen. >> they should have known. how could they not know when, for example, the three days that we were there, last week, looking at this specifically, if
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you are inside the building and perimeter lights, such as this one, are on, during the middle of the day, what that tells you is the system is in alarm. >> since that break-out, 148 high security inmates have been moved out of that facility. now the entire security system is being overhauled, shep. >> shepard: now the latest on the manhunt. they say they are now focusing once again on arkansas and somehow montana. >> yeah, montana because that's the last place they were seen and arkansas, that's because john mccluskey actually has family there. both mccluskey and casslyn welch are both former long haul truckers. so the experts are saying, look, these guys know truck stops very well. they will go there and eat and maybe to clean up. so they're warning people to be on the lookout. also warning truckers they may be in some danger. we got niece new wanted pictures. you can see she, casslyn welch has gone from being a brunette to being a blonde and he, john mccluskey they figure now has
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short, brown hair, has dyeed it and now has a beard. they want you to be on the lookout for them. they also want you to believe they are still driving that nissan sentra they stole back in arizona when they escaped some four weeks ago now, shep. >> shepard: toothys and fingers are the keys. trace gallagher, thank you. >> you bet. >> i'm not saying senator mitchell's report is entirely wrong. i'm saying brian mcnamee my's statements about me are wrong. let me be clear, i have never taken steroids or hgh. thank you. >> shepard: okay. that was major league baseball legend roger clemens back in 2008 denying reports that he ever used performance enhancing substances and refuting testimony by his own former trainer but today it appears the former ace may have pitched himself into a jam. a federal grand jury today indicted roger clemens on charges that he lied to congress about using human growth
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hormones and steroids. lied under oath in front of senators on capitol hill and what does he face? the seven time cy young winner is facing six counts including obstruction of congress. making false statements and perjury. jamie colby in new york with more. jamie, you are a lawyer. have you reviewed this indictment. what does it say and how long might he get for this if convicted. >> shep, the indictment is very specific. it alleges 15 statements at least that clemens voluntarily made. remember, he showed up voluntarily and made them under oath that it obstructed the committee's ability to investigate performance enhancing drug use in major league baseball and it also cites clemens sworn testimony. he personally never used human growth hormone or steroids as false. charges his lawyers today again denied. >> he didn't do it. and he is adamant about that. always has been. so, today, is just another continuing part of that saginaw. >> so far it's unclear if that attorney, who was really a
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fixture at the hearings will represent clemens when he faces these charges. >> certainly clemens will get his day in court. >> shepard: anything from the old rocket on this one? >> yeah. 2010. came via twitter. evidence professes his innocence i never took hgh or steroids. i did not lie to congress. i look forward to challenging government's ache says and hope people will keep an open mind until trial. these six charges you ask, shep each carry maximum sentence of five years and a hefty fine. if clemens is convicted he would likely get less. if he was convicted of all of them of 30 years. shep? >> shepard: wow. jamie colby in the newsroom. the government accuses them of living in our country illegally or in the french accuse them of that and now authorities there in france sending nearly 100 gypsies back to their homeland. gypsies stay out of france. top story as we go around the world in 80 seconds. >> shepard: france, police rounding up scores of gypsies or
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roma as they're called across the country. the authorities placing them on buses and planes just to get the gypsies back to romania. immigration ministry says the president nicholas sarkozy wants to clear roma camps out of country. leader has linked them to crime. the crackdown is a political ploy to turn attention away from the country's economic troubles. china. floodwaters causing two train cars to fall off a bridge. a dining car supervisor on the train says the two carriages were hanging over the water. and that there were only a handful of minutes to evacuate them. we're told nobody died. south africa. [gunfire and sirens] >> shepard: police firing rubber bullets at teachers in johannesburg. those teachers throwing bricks and stones. taking part of a civil servant strike across the country seeking higher pay. the government has offered higher pay but they say it isn't
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enough. setting aside two cars for women only on trains that run between the capital of jakarta and suburbs. the move following complaints about pinching and groping and other unwanted advances on cars where men and women are mixed and that's a rap on this fox trip around the world on n. 80 seconds. >> shepard: new concerns tonight about offshore drilling. not in this country but close enough to threaten our shores. the experts are warning we may be powerless to prevent the next disaster, even respond to it. and remember this deadly crash at an off road race? remember this? tonight, what the government is now doing to try to prevent another tragedy. that's coming up as fox reports live tonight. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] giving up cigarettes
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can take more than willpower alone. but today's a new day. talk to your doctor about prescription treatment options and support. and this time, make it your time.
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>> shepard: new developments now in the gulf oil disaster.
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first more proof that suggests the spill's impact was a lot worse than the government is willing to admit. scientists from the nonprofit woods whole ocean graphic in massachusetts report fresh evidence of a toxic 22-mile oil plume that is still near that site. they say it's far below the surface and could cause long-term threat to marine life in the ocean. also today, a senior scientists the national oceanic and at atmospheric association seeming to contradict an earlier government claim that only one fourth of the leaked oil remained in the environment. >> out of the 4.1 million barrels discharged, how many barrels are still in the gulf are on its shores in some form? >> probably about three-fourths. >> shepard: three-fourths. 3 million barrels still in the environment. that scientists says it could be
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another two months before the administration officials release their full report on the bp disaster. and new accusations against bp today from the company that owned the destroyed deep water horizon rig. in a letter to bp, attorneys for the transocean say the british oil company is withholding evidence about the disaster and attempting to, quote, further any -- i should say prevent any entity, other than bp, from investigating the cause of the april 0th incident and the resulting spill. oh, really? transocean also implied that bp is hiding key information from our government. of course, bp denies the anizations and calls the letter misleading. in the wake of the disaster, the obama administration issued a temporary oil drilling moratorium in the gulf. similarly george w. bush did something like before him. and officials review the safety procedures now but when it comes to the waters off cuba, we have no control and that nation sits just south of the florida keys. and now there is word a spanish oil company is starting to drill
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off the cuban coast north of havana. and close enough to florida that even a small spill could quickly reach u.s. shores. steve harrigan with more on this. he is live in our south florida newsroom tonight. steve, what do we know? >> shepard, after a summer of cleaning up oil in the gulf of mexico, there is a new worry on the horizon. that will be drilling. the same kind of high risk deep water drilling off the northern coast of cuba. it's estimated cuba has anywhere between 4 and 20 billion barrels of oil in reserve and more than a dozen nations have signed deals county castro government. the first one to get started will be spain's national country and other countries include china, vietnam and malaysia some of them with spotty safety records. as far as the u.s. goes, because of that trade embargo 50 years old. u.s. oil companies will be forced on the sidelines. but there is another complication as well. if there is a spill off the coast of cuba, right now because of that embargo, there is no system in place for u.s. and cuban companies to be able to
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work together to clean it up. that's something oil analysts say needs to change quickly. >> those oil companies operating in cuba would not have access to emergency equipment that will have to be in cuba asap within 24 hours to try to mitigate the blow out, to mitigate a spill before it hits key west or hits south beach. >> now, no oil from that deep water horizon spill did reach cuba. but if there is a spill off the northern coast of cuba, it's likely to hit the u.s. a lot worse than it does cuba. the current will take it north to florida and perhaps the entire east coast. the first victim could be coral reefs. unable to get out of the path of the oil. steve, back to you. >> shepard: steve harrigan on an unusually dark night in south florida. follow up to last week's deadly racing crash in mojave desert. the landowner suspended the company's permits it cannot hold any more races on public land at
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least for now. 8 people were killed when a truck lost control and dove into spectators. lots of folks have beware of dog signs on the front dog there woman in australia has something different. >> where are we going? don't bite, don't bite. -- don't fight. >> walking the pet crocodile? why in the crock needs exper size. where do the pets sleep? she has more than one of them. news from the future will come from the future but tonight we'll have this story. tylenol. but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve was proven to work better on pain than tylenol 8 hour. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? good, how are you? [ male announcer ] aleve. proven better on pain.
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it beneful incredibites. ever sn anything like it? me neither. it's just the way you like it-- with carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscles. [ woman announcing ] beneful incredibites. another healthful, flavorful beneful.
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crocodiles. she actually has three of them. this one she often takes for walks through her neighborhood. >> they can only do short distances at a time. >> shepard: another crock lives in the bathtub. >> little freshy. you nasty little thing. >> shepard: there is the 8-foot salt water crock that lives in the garage. >> is he just a little baby. hey, bill, chill. hey, good girl. eat that chicken. yum yum yum yum a lot of people have asked me he is too costly. why do you want him? she is only a baby. she is beautiful. animals respond when they are loved. >> shepard: vicki's mom was not happy about the crocs. kitty was not too pleased either. the cat quickly learned to keep its distance and so far avoided becoming lunch. hopefully the cat doesn't sleep. last year vicki's husband told her either the crocs had to go or he would.
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vicki is now single. just in to fox news, an update on our top story and health officials in alaska confirm two cases of salmonella thing connected to the major egg recall. iowa company recalled 280 million eggs from 17 states. and on this day in 1964, the beatles kicked off their very first u.s. tour with a concert in san francisco's cow palace. john paul george and ringo first stormed our shores the previous february but only a handful of fans got to see them live at the ed sullivan theater. for months beatle mania infected the nation. when the boys hit the stage that summer night, the crowds went all crazy. the concert would last but 38 minutes. that's all they needed though. oddly enough the band rushed to san francisco in 1966 for its very last concert. but fans bugged out for the beatles 46 years ago today. you notice we didn't play any beatles music. cannot do


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